SELL End-of-Year Project Report (2023)
Click on the file to download the SELL Nigeria 2023 End of year Report.
SELL Nigeria, Updates in the first quarter of 2021
Sharing Education and Learning for Life Foundation Nigeria in its first quarter had carried out series of activities which includes; in-house capacity building, Advocacy visits, trainings and meetings.
In-house capacity building: In a quest to reawaken the team for the tasks ahead after a two weeks holiday, the Resource Team had a three (3) day in-house capacity building where each of the team members had the opportunity to present an input on topic assigned by the leader of the team. The purpose of the in-house capacity building is to renew the strength of the team members and build capacity for the actualization of SELL organizational goals in year 2021.
In-house capacity building: In a quest to reawaken the team for the tasks ahead after a two weeks holiday, the Resource Team had a three (3) day in-house capacity building where each of the team members had the opportunity to present an input on topic assigned by the leader of the team. The purpose of the in-house capacity building is to renew the strength of the team members and build capacity for the actualization of SELL organizational goals in year 2021.
Advocacy Visits: As part of the key activity in the ongoing projects, the team reached out to key stakeholders in some part of the States in North East Nigeria and Plateau state in North Central Nigeria. The visits are still ongoing. States visited so far included Taraba, Adamawa, Bauchi and Plateau. The purpose of the advocacy visits is to raise awareness on the need to support the ongoing efforts of SELL foundation in the areas of Child Safeguarding/Protection, Prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) through Gender Reconciliation and promoting peace and conflict resolution. Discussions during the visits with stakeholders centered on Child Safeguarding/protection, Prevention of gender based violence and peace building.
SELL Nigeria 2020 Final Report
Sharing Education and Learning for Life (SELL) Formation Programme is an initiative of St. Patrick's Missionary Society in West Africa District, providing formative and transformative programme for young people and vulnerable groups to become agents of change in the society.
SELL foundation has young and experienced resource persons and a pool of volunteers drawn across communities in the North-East and Plateau states of Nigeria. These volunteers belong to the two major religions in Nigeria (Christianity and Islam) and are constantly being empowered through capacity buildings (trainings) on relevant areas of needs in their communities. These Community Volunteers mobilize young people and other vulnerable groups within their communities to come together to reflect on issues that affect their lives, communities and the world at large through workshops, community outreaches/campaigns, referrals and collaboration/networking with other community based stakeholders. The foundation also offers life choice programmes and leadership foundations for both in-school and out-of- school young people in their various communities.
The year 2020 has been quite challenging, especially with the outbreak of COVID-19 in the earliest part of the year in Nigeria, and the increasing insecurity in the Northern part of Nigeria. Despite these challenges, we have remained undaunted and have continued to offer our services to our catchment areas in line with the needs of the time. It is in our desire to continue to meet these needs of our target groups that we carried out interventions on COVID-19 awareness and palliative support to our volunteers and vulnerable households in Adamawa State: (Yola, Numan, Gombi, Mayo Belwa), Bauchi State: (Bauchi and Tafawa Balewa), Borno State, Yobe State, Taraba State and Plateau State: (Jos, Pankshin, Kanam, Shendam, Quaan Pan, Mikang). We have also, while observing the National Safety Protocol on COVID-19 held trainings on Child Safeguarding and Protection, Peace and Conflict Resolution/Countering Violent Extremism, Therapeutic Counseling and Clinical Consultation for our Volunteers. We are able to achieve all these with funding from Misean Cara and Support from St. Patrick's Missionary Society, West African District.
Scope of the Report: This report covers the activities conducted from January to December, 2020.
Core of the Project: This project built the capacity of young people, selected members of the civil society organizations, government agencies and community leaders to promote peace and reconciliation in communities that have been badly affected by violent conflicts. In addition, the project carried out robust advocacy and promotion of the protection of the rights of children, youth and women through awareness raising on specific rights and entitlements, as well as policy advocacy with government, in particular with regard to child abuse and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in communities in the North East region of Nigeria and Plateau State.
The following are the activities carried out and the targets reached so far:
a) Advocacy: SELL foundation embarked on Advocacy visits to stakeholders and partners in the course of the year 2020 to consolidate on existing relationship, push for an inclusive fight for the Rights of Children and to explore areas of collaboration in empowering young people and ensuring peace in the communities. Fifty four (54) stakeholders, 43 males and 11 females were reached in communities in Bauchi, Tafawa Balewa, and Taraba State.
b) Training on Child Safeguarding and Protection; Peace and Conflict Resolution/Countering Violent Extremism: A total of two hundred and twenty six (225) community volunteers (CVs), members of the civil society organizations (CSOs), Government/security agencies and other youth groups from Bauchi, Tafawa Balewa and Gombe were trained in Bauchi, while participants from Taraba states were trained in Jalingo. Shendam and Pankshin had their trainings in their respective localities as well. The number include one hundred and twenty four (123) males and seventy (70) females.
Meanwhile, a total of three hundred and two (302) others from Jos, Yola, Maiduguri and Yobe had undergone same training in the last quarter of the year 2019.
c) Capacity building to Enhance the Welfare of SELL Resource Team members and Volunteers/Facilitators working with IDPs in Local Communities affected by Insurgency and Violence: The training focused on self care and understanding trauma and how it impacts on service delivery for SELL foundation resource team members and the Community Volunteers. Participants were taken through the rudiments of understanding trauma and community building to build trust and a safe space which is targeted at encouraging disclosure for trauma-genic participants. Forty nine (49) people including seven (7) Resource Team members and forty two (42) SELL Volunteers benefitted from the training.
d) Radio Campaigns: The project also had radio appearances in Bauchi, Jos and Taraba States where the public were enlightened on Child Safeguarding, Gender Reconciliation and Peace building.
e) COVID-19 Intervention: Following the outbreak of the novel Covid19 in November 2019 and the consequent lockdown imposed by the government of Nigeria in March 2020, the pandemic did not only affect the running of some planned activities of the Foundation, it also affected the means of livelihood of our volunteers and their households as well as members of the community in general. As a way of providing succor to reduce the attendant hunger and hardship on our volunteers and their families, the Foundation applied for the reallocation of previously approved funds for Mentors Training to provide palliatives for them. Misean Cara approved the reallocation and the foundation provided the following interventions:
Sharing Education and Learning for Life (SELL) Formation Programme is an initiative of St. Patrick's Missionary Society in West Africa District, providing formative and transformative programme for young people and vulnerable groups to become agents of change in the society.
SELL foundation has young and experienced resource persons and a pool of volunteers drawn across communities in the North-East and Plateau states of Nigeria. These volunteers belong to the two major religions in Nigeria (Christianity and Islam) and are constantly being empowered through capacity buildings (trainings) on relevant areas of needs in their communities. These Community Volunteers mobilize young people and other vulnerable groups within their communities to come together to reflect on issues that affect their lives, communities and the world at large through workshops, community outreaches/campaigns, referrals and collaboration/networking with other community based stakeholders. The foundation also offers life choice programmes and leadership foundations for both in-school and out-of- school young people in their various communities.
The year 2020 has been quite challenging, especially with the outbreak of COVID-19 in the earliest part of the year in Nigeria, and the increasing insecurity in the Northern part of Nigeria. Despite these challenges, we have remained undaunted and have continued to offer our services to our catchment areas in line with the needs of the time. It is in our desire to continue to meet these needs of our target groups that we carried out interventions on COVID-19 awareness and palliative support to our volunteers and vulnerable households in Adamawa State: (Yola, Numan, Gombi, Mayo Belwa), Bauchi State: (Bauchi and Tafawa Balewa), Borno State, Yobe State, Taraba State and Plateau State: (Jos, Pankshin, Kanam, Shendam, Quaan Pan, Mikang). We have also, while observing the National Safety Protocol on COVID-19 held trainings on Child Safeguarding and Protection, Peace and Conflict Resolution/Countering Violent Extremism, Therapeutic Counseling and Clinical Consultation for our Volunteers. We are able to achieve all these with funding from Misean Cara and Support from St. Patrick's Missionary Society, West African District.
Scope of the Report: This report covers the activities conducted from January to December, 2020.
Core of the Project: This project built the capacity of young people, selected members of the civil society organizations, government agencies and community leaders to promote peace and reconciliation in communities that have been badly affected by violent conflicts. In addition, the project carried out robust advocacy and promotion of the protection of the rights of children, youth and women through awareness raising on specific rights and entitlements, as well as policy advocacy with government, in particular with regard to child abuse and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in communities in the North East region of Nigeria and Plateau State.
The following are the activities carried out and the targets reached so far:
a) Advocacy: SELL foundation embarked on Advocacy visits to stakeholders and partners in the course of the year 2020 to consolidate on existing relationship, push for an inclusive fight for the Rights of Children and to explore areas of collaboration in empowering young people and ensuring peace in the communities. Fifty four (54) stakeholders, 43 males and 11 females were reached in communities in Bauchi, Tafawa Balewa, and Taraba State.
b) Training on Child Safeguarding and Protection; Peace and Conflict Resolution/Countering Violent Extremism: A total of two hundred and twenty six (225) community volunteers (CVs), members of the civil society organizations (CSOs), Government/security agencies and other youth groups from Bauchi, Tafawa Balewa and Gombe were trained in Bauchi, while participants from Taraba states were trained in Jalingo. Shendam and Pankshin had their trainings in their respective localities as well. The number include one hundred and twenty four (123) males and seventy (70) females.
Meanwhile, a total of three hundred and two (302) others from Jos, Yola, Maiduguri and Yobe had undergone same training in the last quarter of the year 2019.
c) Capacity building to Enhance the Welfare of SELL Resource Team members and Volunteers/Facilitators working with IDPs in Local Communities affected by Insurgency and Violence: The training focused on self care and understanding trauma and how it impacts on service delivery for SELL foundation resource team members and the Community Volunteers. Participants were taken through the rudiments of understanding trauma and community building to build trust and a safe space which is targeted at encouraging disclosure for trauma-genic participants. Forty nine (49) people including seven (7) Resource Team members and forty two (42) SELL Volunteers benefitted from the training.
d) Radio Campaigns: The project also had radio appearances in Bauchi, Jos and Taraba States where the public were enlightened on Child Safeguarding, Gender Reconciliation and Peace building.
e) COVID-19 Intervention: Following the outbreak of the novel Covid19 in November 2019 and the consequent lockdown imposed by the government of Nigeria in March 2020, the pandemic did not only affect the running of some planned activities of the Foundation, it also affected the means of livelihood of our volunteers and their households as well as members of the community in general. As a way of providing succor to reduce the attendant hunger and hardship on our volunteers and their families, the Foundation applied for the reallocation of previously approved funds for Mentors Training to provide palliatives for them. Misean Cara approved the reallocation and the foundation provided the following interventions:
- Prevention: Face masks and alcohol based hand sanitizers were produced and distributed to one thousand five hundred (1,500) people in 208 households across the six states of the North East and Plateau State.
- Awareness: The Resource team, together with Community volunteers of the foundation also contributed in raising awareness on COVID19 for eighty six thousand people using various platforms as shown on the table below:
- Mitigation: In order to mitigate and alleviate the widespread hunger that the pandemic caused among the populace, food items (rice, beans, cooking oil and seasoning) were distributed among two hundred and eight (208) households with one thousand, five hundred and sixty (1,560) beneficiaries. Eighty eight (88) other people gained employment as a result of the intervention. These include five (5) tailors, seven (7) producers of hand sanitizers, ten (10) printers, fifty (55) traders, and eleven (11) drivers.
i) Community Peace Meetings/Forum: A high profile peace building meeting/opening ceremony was convened by SELL foundation in Jalingo, Taraba State. Taraba state has been. Stakeholders present at the meeting include the Catholic Bishop of Jalingo Diocese, representatives of the Muslim Council and that of the National youth council, Taraba state. Other stakeholders present are: representatives of the Inter-Religious Dialogue Committee of the Catholic Diocese of Jalingo, the Police, Vigilante Group of Nigeria, youth and community leaders as well as SELL facilitators/community volunteers in Jalingo community. SELL Facilitators in the catchment communities have also facilitated peace building meetings in their respective communities with the aim of reconciling warring parties and consolidating on sustainable peace.
ii) Reported Cases of Violence Against Children: Unlike what obtains in the past, with increased awareness among members of the community, more people now willingly report cases of violence against children in the Communities. So far, three hundred and fourteen (314) cases of violence against children have been reported from the communities. Among the cases are 149 males and 165 females. Some of the violence against Children include rape, molestation, neglect, capital punishment and other forms of child abuses. Most of the cases were reported to the Resource team, Police, welfare departments, the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, SELL Community Volunteers and other stakeholders who were trained by the foundation on Child Safeguarding and protection. Some of the victims have obtained justice while others are at various stages of being resolved.
iii) Reported Cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV): Following the training on Gender Reconciliation, more cases of Gender Based Violence have also been reported in the communities to the Police, Social Welfare Departments, the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, SELL Community Volunteers and other stakeholders who were trained by the foundation. The number of reported GBV cases are one hundred and eighty eight (188), the number includes 87 males and 101 females.
iv) Improved Awareness of a Right or Entitlement: A total of three thousand, six hundred and eighteen (3, 618) people have improved awareness on Child Safeguarding and Protection, gender rights and other human rights through engagement with or participating in Workshops, seminars, outreaches and other awareness campaigns facilitated by SELL foundation and the Community Volunteers and other stakeholders trained. The number includes 2,025 males and 1,593 females.
v) Access to Justice, Support and other General Services: Marginalized women and Children, survivors of abuse, were supported to have their voices raised and have their rights defended and restored in the face of severe human rights violations. The number of people supported with these general services are three hundred and fifty seven (357) across the communities in the North East and Plateau State, among them are 122 males and 235 females.
vi) Changes to Laws, Policy and Practice:
(a) Domestication of VAPP Act in Bauchi State: The SELL initiative in collaboration with other Civil Society Organizations has contributed to the successful domestication and signing into law of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act in Bauchi State, North Eastern Nigeria. This Act will protect people of Bauchi, and Women in particular from physical violence, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Domestic Violence. This follows series of advocacy to the legislative and executive arms of the Bauchi State Government.
(b) Ongoing process for the Domestication of the Child's Right Act in Adamawa State: Adamawa state is one of the five states in the North East that is yet to domesticate the Child's Right Act. To this effect, SELL foundation and her volunteers based in Adamawa in collaboration with other Civil society Organizations are steps from having the Act domesticated in Adamawa state. This follows the commitment of the Speaker of the Adamawa state House of Assembly Honorable Yakubu Iya Abas and other members of the House to ensure that the law is domesticated in the state. Already, a committee has been formed by the CSOs to follow up on the bill.
I am Ahmad Abdullahi Ardo from the Muslim Council (youth council) of the Muslim council. I am part of the beneficiaries of the training of SELL foundation where we attended a four days training on Child safeguarding and on peace and conflict resolution. Based on the training I have acquired, I have made use of it in our area where I am also part of the committee in our area in Peace building. And also with the help of this training that I have (on child), personally now in this first time, I have even took one of our neighbour's child to school where I enrolled him in Primary School and I wish this training will continue from time to time so that we will continue having this as a reminder. You know human beings need reminder and as always I pray for SELL foundation to continue training people from different time to time and with different topics where people will continue doing and continue touching our lives. Good day, my name is Ahmad Abdullahi Ardo from Muslim Council Youth. Thank you. Ahmad Ardo (Muslim Council, Jalingo)
My name is Amina Auwal. I am a member of the Muslim Council in Adamawa State. I also work with the Women Working Group on Peace Building. To be honest since I met SELL foundation, I have had positive change in my life, that cannot be denied. I have met so many good people in SELL foundation. I engage differently with my Christian sisters and brothers. The SELL foundation has lifted my spirit on Child safeguarding, I (now) treat the child differently. I feel the pain of a child since my encounter with SELL foundation. Thank you, thanks to (for) that. SELL foundation can also help in going deep into the grassroots, sensitizing women on Child Safeguarding. It is very important, it is in the grassroots that you see the Child suffering without help. The communities are getting help. We are helping other communities here but going into the grassroots into the villages it is going to help a lot, honestly speaking. I believe you can do that and I pray you can do that. The project so far is very good in the future I hope you can achieve a lot because so far you have done a wonderful job. I heard the word Child safeguarding the first time in SELL foundation and I can tell you that it has yielded positive changes in my life, so I believe in the nearest future you can do better. Now one of the things I want SELL foundation to do is go into Secondary Schools and help in this Child Safeguarding and gender, peace and conflict resolution because if you catch them young, you will be able to do a positive change. So next time, go into the Secondary Schools and help them. Thank you and God bless you SELL foundation, I am glad I met you. Amina Auwal (Muslim Council, Yola)
I am Kuje Joseph Ovey. I volunteer with SELL foundation Jos Community. Since my encounter with SELL programme, it has raised my level of awareness on the impact of Child abuse, Gender discrimination and Violence on individual and community peace. It has challenged us to break the culture of silence and it has encouraged us to be Gender inclusive in our community and to also adopt dialogue in conflict resolution. Going forward I think in the long time the community of people that are empowered to make informed decision that will promote peaceful coexistence. I will love if more volunteers are empowered the more and more stakeholders are involved in this project so as to sustain, expand and improve on the achievement of this project. Kuje Joseph Ovey (SELL Volunteer, Jos)
Think and Choose, I am Rejoice Philemon from Adamawa State, a volunteer with SELL, the organization's motto is (THINK and CHOSE). I thank God for giving me the privilege to be part of the organization. I learned from this organization how to think and relate with people I'm living with in my community, the people in turn are benefiting from me from the experience I acquired. SELL foundation has brought changes in our community especially on how to relate and work with people, it has promoted love, peace and forgiveness among the people. SELL have created awareness among the people in our community on the right of children, it has also helped me to see the importance of a child more than I did before. I will be happy to see the organization make more impact in our community and the world at large. If we raise children and youth with love and compassionate, embrace peace and think positively the future will be better because God has brought this organization through people with wisdom and good vision to safeguard children, youth and the entire community on how to relate with each other. I sincerely thank you for giving me the opportunity to express how I feel about the organization. I have learned a lot and my community is better for it. Rejoice Philemon (SELL Volunteer, Yola)
Meeting with SELL Community Animators
The meeting brought together leaders of SELL facilitators from the communities to discuss and review SELL activities in their communities with the aim of sharing experiences, successes, prospects and challenges that communities face in the course of carrying out SELL activities. This meeting has helped communities to learn from each other's experiences and adopt workable ways of reaching out to people in their communities.
We recognize the role of Hausa language in the implementation of our programmes in communities of the North East and have continued to integrate the translation of SELL programmes from English to Hausa language. In the year under review, we trained SELL facilitators from our catchment communities on Child safeguarding and Protection and Peace and Conflict Resolution. A total of twenty six (26) SELL facilitators, 16 males and 10 females were trained from Yola, Jalingo, Damaturu, Bauchi, Gombe, Tafawa Balewa, Jos, Pankshin, Shendam. In order to help facilitate access to our resource materials, all our training manuals and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials have been translated from English to Hausa and distributed in communities for easy understanding and use.
As indicated earlier, SELL foundation has a network of trained volunteers otherwise known as SELL facilitators spread across the North Eastern States in Nigeria and in Plateau State. These highly motivated volunteers facilitate formation programmes with young and vulnerable people in their various communities through Workshops, Talks, interpersonal discussions and networking and referrals.
A total of seven thousand, three hundred and ten (7,310) persons benefited directly from workshops, rallies, sensitization and other special community awareness outreaches carried out by community teams in the year 2020.
The table below shows the breakdown of activities conducted by each community team and the number of beneficiaries.
Since human development work does not thrive in isolation, the foundation continued to explore available avenues of partnership and collaboration with new stakeholders, and has sustained the ones already established with relevant stakeholders for synergy and sharing of ideas and information. The table below shows the stakeholders visited in the year 2020:
Since human development work does not thrive in isolation, the foundation continued to explore available avenues of partnership and collaboration with new stakeholders, and has sustained the ones already established with relevant stakeholders for synergy and sharing of ideas and information. The table below shows the stakeholders visited in the year 2020:
SELL Publications: SELL foundation publishes its activities online. The publication can be accessed on our website at
While the covid-19 pandemic posed a great challenge to, and affected some of our activities, we are optimistic that we will break new grounds in the coming year and reach more people with our programmes. We are pleased that despite the outbreak of the pandemic and the increasing security challenges in the country, we have been able to successfully implement phase one (year 1) of our three years multi-annual project which spanned from September 2019 to August 2020. We have since commenced phase two (year 2) of the project in September 2020 with advocacy visits and trainings already held for communities in Bauchi, Tafawa Balewa, Gombe and Jalingo. We have concluded plans to continue with the trainings and interventions in the other communities of our catchment areas as contained in our 2021 programme of the year.
We are pleased to also inform you that with support from St. Patrick's Missionary Society (SPS) West African District, the Irish Embassy in Nigeria, and SELL connect (International), the administrative section of our multipurpose facility at our permanent site in Wuntin Dada, Bauchi State have been completed and we hope to move our Resource centre to the facility in January 2020.
We thank in a special way Misean Cara for granting us funding for this project like they have done in previous years. It is with their support that the SELL programme has continued to empower the young people with knowledge and skills that have continued to shape their lives and make the community better. The Central Leadership Team and the West African Leadership of St. Patrick and indeed the entire members of St. Patrick's Missionary Society have supported us in all ramifications, to the Society, we express our deep appreciation.
The SELL programme has enjoyed tremendous support from the Catholic Arch-Bishop/Bishops and Priests, Religious and lay groups and individuals of the Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Jos and even beyond. We are most grateful for your continues support to the SELL project in your respective (Arch)Dioceses. The Lutheran Bishop of Yola Diocese and members of his congregation as well as members of the Muslim Council in all the States of the North East and Plateau State have also shown uncommon zeal, commitment and support to us in the passing year. We are indeed grateful for your support as we look forward to working with you to continue to support the youths in the coming year.
The involvement of civil society organizations, State Chapters of the National Youth Council of Nigeria, security agencies and traditional/community leaders has further the acceptability and influence of the SELL project in the communities. We remain committed to helping our young people to discovering themselves and assisting them to add value to their communities.
- SELL Ghana: This network has continued through sharing of information and experiences in the areas of youth formation and other community engagements. Exchange programme for SELL volunteers is being explored.
- Training for Transformation: SELL has continued to benefit from exchange of resources, collaboration and training from the Training for Transformation (TFT) in Kleinmond Western Cape, South Africa.
SELL Publications: SELL foundation publishes its activities online. The publication can be accessed on our website at
- We have continued to engage our facilitators and reach out to members of the public on our social media platforms on Facebook @( programmenaija) and WhatsApp (+2348033542630).
- A good number of young people trained in SELL Program are now leaders in different groups and organizations. The Diocesan CYON presidents of Shendam, Yola, Jos, Pankshin and Maiduguri are all trained facilitators of the SELL programme.
- More Muslims have been integrated and trained by the foundation and they are championing the course of peace in collaboration with their Christian brethren in their respective communities.
- The SELL programme has gained monumental acceptance by the Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria and the Lutheran Youth Fellowship. SELL successfully facilitated. At the provincial level (Jos Ecclesiastical Province), CYON has continued to involve and engage SELL foundation to facilitate life shaping sessions with the youths.
- SELL volunteers in Gombi established Peace Clubs in two schools where they are helping to inculcate the culture of peace in the students.
- The culture of silence on Rape and Gender Based Violence (GBV) is gradually being broken in communities where we work as people who are abused now speak out and report such incidences to our Community Volunteers and the civil authorities.
- The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted most of our planned activities.
- Due to the national ban on inter-state movements and the order from government restricting the gathering of people, our volunteers could not carry out community outreaches for a long period of time.
- The increasing target of Social and Development workers by the Boko Haram terrorists in Borno state and most parts of the North East which are our target communities has reduced our contact with the communities.
- Harmful cultural practices are normalized in most of the communities, making efforts towards child protection and prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) more difficult.
- Instances of child abuse such as corporal punishment as a form of discipline for children have been embedded in most cultures thereby making alternative form of discipline difficult to achieve, and in some instances unrealistic.
- Lack of policies/procedures and systems to support child protection legislation in States where the Child's Right Act has been domesticated posed a big challenge in our efforts towards addressing Violence against Children.
- Due to prevalent cultures and religion in the North generally, most of the state governments are foot dragging in adopting and domesticating the Child's Right Act in their respective states. Only one (Taraba) out of the six States in the North East have domesticated the Child's Right Act.
- Distance and proximity from communities to the training venue has in most cases hinder participants from attending some of the trainings.
- The increasing security challenges which includes banditry and kidnapping makes the roads unsafe for facilitators and puts the Resource Team at a high risk as we travel for trainings and other functions.
- The prevailing economic situation in the country resulting in high rate of unemployment among young people makes volunteerism very difficult for some of them who are willing and ready to sacrifice for the greater good of the society.
- The high inflation rate and most recently, the economic recession has drastically affected our lean resources such that it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to afford training resources and secure venue (halls and accommodations) for our activities.
While the covid-19 pandemic posed a great challenge to, and affected some of our activities, we are optimistic that we will break new grounds in the coming year and reach more people with our programmes. We are pleased that despite the outbreak of the pandemic and the increasing security challenges in the country, we have been able to successfully implement phase one (year 1) of our three years multi-annual project which spanned from September 2019 to August 2020. We have since commenced phase two (year 2) of the project in September 2020 with advocacy visits and trainings already held for communities in Bauchi, Tafawa Balewa, Gombe and Jalingo. We have concluded plans to continue with the trainings and interventions in the other communities of our catchment areas as contained in our 2021 programme of the year.
We are pleased to also inform you that with support from St. Patrick's Missionary Society (SPS) West African District, the Irish Embassy in Nigeria, and SELL connect (International), the administrative section of our multipurpose facility at our permanent site in Wuntin Dada, Bauchi State have been completed and we hope to move our Resource centre to the facility in January 2020.
We thank in a special way Misean Cara for granting us funding for this project like they have done in previous years. It is with their support that the SELL programme has continued to empower the young people with knowledge and skills that have continued to shape their lives and make the community better. The Central Leadership Team and the West African Leadership of St. Patrick and indeed the entire members of St. Patrick's Missionary Society have supported us in all ramifications, to the Society, we express our deep appreciation.
The SELL programme has enjoyed tremendous support from the Catholic Arch-Bishop/Bishops and Priests, Religious and lay groups and individuals of the Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Jos and even beyond. We are most grateful for your continues support to the SELL project in your respective (Arch)Dioceses. The Lutheran Bishop of Yola Diocese and members of his congregation as well as members of the Muslim Council in all the States of the North East and Plateau State have also shown uncommon zeal, commitment and support to us in the passing year. We are indeed grateful for your support as we look forward to working with you to continue to support the youths in the coming year.
The involvement of civil society organizations, State Chapters of the National Youth Council of Nigeria, security agencies and traditional/community leaders has further the acceptability and influence of the SELL project in the communities. We remain committed to helping our young people to discovering themselves and assisting them to add value to their communities.
The months of June and July, 2020 were productive in SELL. Amidst the challenges of the Corona virus pandemic, the SELL Resource team members were able to execute some key major activities.
June 26th 2020, the team began distribution of palliatives and other relief items to all SELL beneficiaries/households and also carried out massive awareness campaign against the Novel Corona Virus across the North East and Plateau State.
The distribution was aimed at contributing to the mitigation of the spread of the novel Corona Virus and to support the effort of the Nigerian government in reaching out to people through distribution of palliatives to cushion the hardship experienced by individuals, groups and communities.
Distribution of palliatives and covid 19 awareness and PPE in Jos community
The distribution was carried out in three (3) phases, the first phase were rolled to Jos, Pankshin, Shendam and second phase to Jalingo, Yola, Gombe and third phase to Bauchi, Tafawa-Balewa, Maiduguri and Yobe states respectively.
Beneficiaries of palliatives in Shendam community
Items distributed were Information, Education Communication (IEC) materials on Covid-19, personal protective equipment (Facemask, hand Sanitizers), Farm inputs (fertilizer, Herbicides, Pesticides), foodstuffs (Rice, Beans, seasoning and cooking oil).
Awareness and distribution of palliatives in Jalingo Taraba State
NOTE: For reference please check our social media Platforms Facebook: SELL PROGRAMME, Website: and other radio platforms like Unity fm radio and pointers radio.
July 28th -30th 2020, the team conducted training for young adults on Child Safeguarding and protection. The training aimed at creating awareness among people on the appropriate ways to engage stakeholders on the need to domesticate and implement the child right act and also aimed at safeguarding and protecting the right of children and vulnerable in the society. The training brought together participants from SELL volunteers in Gombe and Bauchi, Religious groups National Council of Muslim Youth (NACOMYO) Youth Wing Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN) Bauchi state chapter, Civil Society Organization, Government and Security agencies. The training took place at the Youth Formation Centre, Bauchi.
NOTE: For reference please check our social media Platforms Facebook: SELL PROGRAMME, Website: and other radio platforms like Unity fm radio and pointers radio.
July 28th -30th 2020, the team conducted training for young adults on Child Safeguarding and protection. The training aimed at creating awareness among people on the appropriate ways to engage stakeholders on the need to domesticate and implement the child right act and also aimed at safeguarding and protecting the right of children and vulnerable in the society. The training brought together participants from SELL volunteers in Gombe and Bauchi, Religious groups National Council of Muslim Youth (NACOMYO) Youth Wing Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN) Bauchi state chapter, Civil Society Organization, Government and Security agencies. The training took place at the Youth Formation Centre, Bauchi.
Training on child safeguarding and protection for SELL volunteers, CSOs, government and security agencies in Bauchi State