Now that 2018 is with us, we on the SELL Team here in Ghana are happy to be back together again. We congratulate Vincent on his marriage to Samira and wish them long life and happiness. We look back in gratitude to God, to all who are part of our rapidly extending SELL family, to those who provide support and encouragement, especially the Presentation Brothers and we pray for a New Year of blessing, good health and success for all. We look forward to continuing the work, to making new friends and reaching out to all who need our support. Details of our proposed work for the year can be found here on this website. Best wishes to everybody for the New Year.
From all the team here in SELL Ghana we are very happy to come to the end of a successful year which has seen our SELL family grow and strengthen. To all those who have joined the family, those who are long-time members and to those who have supported us in our work, especially the Presentation Brothers, we wish the peace, joy and happiness of this Christmas time. It is a lovely time of the year, when families come together, when people reach out to one another in appreciation, understanding and generosity. It is our desire for all of you that this spirit of openness will grow and deepen in your hearts at this time and will flourish even more in the New Year
Greetings from all of us here at the Presentation Brothers Education Outreach Centre, Logre, Bolgatanga. We hope this report, on our youth ministry; SELL Programme meets you in good health. We are pleased to share with you an overview of how the year has been for us in our work with the young adults. The year began with two trainings on the Self Awareness Unit of the SELL Programme, one in Tamale and the other in Navrongo BolgatangaDiocese. The Volunteers are already in the field, delivering the programme in their communities. Members of the Resource Team are always present to mentor them. In the second half of the year, volunteers were taken through training on the Leadership Unit of the SELL Programme. The Training for Volunteers in Tamale took place in August with 40 young adults at the Catholic Youth Centre in Tamale and that of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga took place with 38 young adults at the Farmers Training Centre, Pusu Namongo. During the second training, trainees were taken through a session to evaluate the field work done after the first training. It was heartwarming to see the young adults sharing their experiences in the field with one another and listening to how the experiences had shaped them as individuals. Trainees congratulated one another on the successes achieved and together looked at the best way forward to overcome the challenges encountered. The aim of the Leadership Unit of the Programme is to invite participants to look at how our experience of people in authority affects our ability to be effective leaders, to identify our own leadership styles and to recognize the role of leaders in community, in society and in caring for the earth. After the training on the Leadership Unit, Volunteers are back in the field delivering workshops. So far, 11 out of 12teams in Tamale and 10 out of 18 teams in Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese have been able to successfully deliver workshops in their Parishes. The remaining Parishes will have theirs in the early part of next year. We appreciate the trainees for their effort and commitment towards supporting their peers with the Programme. The Resource Team together with the Volunteers reached a total of 1,265 young adults, 581 females and 684 males. Following the work of the trainees in the field, 20 were selected from both diocese for a Mentoring Training in November. The aim of the training was to prepare and equip those selected with skills to take up the role of support persons (mentors) who will assist their colleagues in the field. This allows the Presentation Brothers Resource Team to spread the programme across the Northern Province fulfilling the Brothers hope of reaching many young adults which fulfills their charism of “forming Christ in the young”. In the course of the year, the Resource Team also received invitations from some Parishes in the Upper West Region to support their youth with the programme. We were in Gwollu, Hain and Wa to share with them. Recently, in a meeting with the Diocesan Youth Chaplain of Wa, an invitation has been extended for the programme to begin there in 2018. In July, we also had a Life Choice Training for 12 teachers from 6 Senior High Schools in the Diocese of Navrongo - Bolgatanga. The schools were; Notre Dame Senior High, Zuarungu Senior High, Zebilla Senior High, Bawku Senior High, Gambaga Girls Senior High and Bolgatanga Senior High. The Life Choice Programme is an auxiliary one under SELL which is aimed at helping students at High School level to reflect on the important steps they need to take on their life journey. The teachers went back to their schools and have begun rolling out the programme. The feedback we received from them on their work with the students has been positive and we pray they keep up with the good work they are doing. Fr. Gerald Zienna has expressed interest in bringing this programme into the Archdiocese of Tamale. Apart from its basic work of primary outreach, in August the Resource Team was also invited by the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Distance Education Students Association of Ghana (DESAG), Kumasi Branch to facilitate a session during their 2017 Conference with a little over 200 students. The team was also invited by Fr. Gerald Zienaa, the Archdiocesan Youth Chaplain of Tamale in August to facilitate a session on Personal Growth during the maiden edition of the Catholic Youth Summer Camp with the youth of the Archdiocese. To wrap up the year, in November the Resource Team had a session on team building with Sr. Olivia Umoh from the Daughters of Charity, Kumasi to help evaluate the year gone by and to have a clear focus for the year ahead. The year 2017 has been fruitful and good and we are optimistic about 2018. Already a lot of plans are in place towards realizing the vision of supporting the formation of young adults. As a ministry of the Presentation Brothers, we, the Resource Team remain grateful to them, to the Bishops whowelcome us, their Diocesan Youth Chaplains as well as all the people who are working in diverse ways to supportus. We are also grateful to the Brothers for seeking funding to sustain the Programme and to all our generous benefactors who enable us to keep doing this work. May we close by wishing you a joyous Christmas celebration and a blessed and peaceful New Year. Yours sincerely, on behalf of the SELL Resource Team, Hagar Bebuur
AuthorHere on the blog we’ll be keeping you up to date with the work we have been doing, particularly the workshops we have been running. We would also like to get comments and feedback from you, particularly if you have attended one of our workshops. Archives
June 2024
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