Mentoring Training
The purpose of the training is to build their capacity to understand mentoring as they take up the additional role as support persons for the SELL Programme Ghana.
It took place, Feb. 4-6, at the Spiritual Renewal Centre in Wanye – a suburb of Wa, Upper West Region. It was a follow-up training held last year which gave them an opening perspective on mentoring.
The participatory processes helped the support persons explore further the meaning of mentoring, their experiences of being mentored and awareness-raising on human trafficking.
As the work of SELL grows, their supporting roles will be needed to help the Resource Team reach other communities in the zone.
The respective workshops focused on the Peace Building unit of the SELL Programme. Volunteer facilitators took participants through sessions which invited them to choose to be peacemakers in all of life’s situations.
In Tuna, the youth were drawn from Kalba, Kulmasa, Konfali, Pinvuro, Yipala, Soma and Tuna communities.
Enriching Experience
In Busunu, thirty-nine (39) young people participated, including fifteen (15) Muslims and thirty-one (31) in Tuna with four (4) Muslims.
Zonal Meeting
The joint Zonal Meeting took place at the Youth Centre, Feb. 18-20, and brought together representatives of all cluster teams in the two zones.
The purpose of the meeting was to review their activities in the past year and to plan anew for 2022. The meeting also discussed challenges they face in their respective teams where some solutions were suggested to enable them work effectively.
It was an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues as a family and draw inspiration from one another.
The commissioned are SELL’s volunteers who have completed all six units of the Programme. As extended members of the SELL Resource Team, the support of commissioned volunteers is crucial in helping the Team reach out to many communities in operational zones.
They have put together a series of activities to be undertaken in the months ahead for the benefit of other young people.
It was on the Wisdom of Traditions unit and took place at the Spiritual Renewal Centre in Wanye, Upper West Region.
The penultimate training for the zone brought together trainee volunteers from Nandom, Jirapa, Tumu and Wa communities where they explored various traditions, their wisdom and the way we have been influenced by them. It produced moments of deep reflection and discernment on the calls of the spirit in today’s world.