Warm greetings from the Resource Team in this episode of our monthly updates. It is a pleasure sharing with you our monthly activities as you follow us with keen interest. Trusting that life is treating you well we present you the updates for the month of June.
From the 1st to the 3rd of the month the Team was at Chiana, a community in the Navrongo-Bolgatanga zone for a workshop on the Peace Building Unit.
On the following weekend the Team had two mentoring workshops on the Peace Building Unit at Soe and Sirigu communities. A total of 43 young adults were encountered in the exploration. The Team was pleased with the contributions of participants during the discussions. The Volunteer Facilitators did enormously well in terms of the understanding of material and the process of presentation.
Continuing with the mentoring workshops on the Peace Building Unit, from the 15th to the 17th of the month, the Team had another two mentoring workshops in two communities – Paga and Navrongo, all in the Navrongo-Bolgatanga zone. A total of 57 young adults were reached from the two workshops.
To climax the mentoring workshops on the Peace Building Unit in the Navrongo-Bolgatanga zone the Team had three workshops at Zuarungu, Bolga and Sandema communities. Participants were as usual excited about the opportunity offered them to explore the unit as it enabled them discuss issues of peace and look at ways they could contribute to building and sustaining peace in their various communities as young people. We had a mentor each journeying with the Resource Team member to the three communities. They had their first mentoring experience in the field and were grateful for the learning opportunity and the Team also appreciated their efforts and commitment.
From the 29th of June to the 1st of July the Team continued with the Overview workshops in the Wa zone. The workshop took place in the Nandom deanery with 28 young adults in attendance. The purpose of the workshop was to select potential Volunteers to be trained as facilitators for the programme. It was a good encounter as the Youth Chaplains organized the workshops very well and the participants were lively and contributed greatly to the discussion.
Apart from the activities on the field, on the 23rd of June the Team had an encounter with the Youth Chaplains of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga zone during the Youth Chaplains meeting. The Team shared with them the Mid-Year report, the Mid-Training report and the Life Choice training activities. The Youth Chaplains also gave their inputs to the Relationship Unit the Resource Team is working on.
All in all the Resource Team is grateful to those who contributed greatly in one way or the other to ensure that the activities of the month of June ended successfully. We are most especially appreciative of our Volunteer Facilitators for the sacrifices they continue to make towards the progress of the programme. We are also grateful to all other stakeholders – the Presentation Brothers, the Youth Chaplains, the generous benefactors.
As we enter the month of July we hope to continue with the mentoring workshops in the Tamale zone, have a mentoring review with our mentors and to train selected teachers on the Life Choice Day programme.
So until we come your way with updates at the end of July we entreat you to stay tuned.