This week has been busy in the office for the SELL Resource Team. It is coming to the end of the year and it is time to start compiling and putting together documents of the impact the programme is having in the lives of the young people and the communities for end of year reports to our beneficiaries and to the benefactors to ensure accountability.
It is our usual practice to have a team building and evaluation of the year at this time of the year. As I informed us last week this year the team building and evaluation shall be taking place with a very experienced resource person in Kaduna North western Nigeria. Her name is Rita and she has accompanied the SELL Resource Team through many team building, visioning, evaluation and planning exercises. We look forward to meeting her again this year.
Once again we the SELL Family says welcome to our baby facilitators. Join us here next week for more update on our activities. We hope to give you the name of the newest member of the SELL Family then.
For the SELL Team.