After the meeting some of the chaplains took off to Uyo Akwaibom state, south south region, Nigeria for the National Youth Retreat.
Leo left for Abuja on the 10th November shortly after the meeting with the provincial chaplains for a St. Patricks Renewal Programme which will last up to the end of this week.
On Thursday the 11th of November 2010, Moses went to Jos for a workshop. It was organised by the Damietta Peace Initiative Project.
On the 13th November 2010, Jonathan and I took off to Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi state, Nigeria for a sell workshop. We were supposed to mentor the facilitators in training of that axis but we ended up giving the workshop partly ourselves and mentored only one of the two facilitators in training who is Matthew Solomon. He did his best by taking some of the sessions. The workshop was a bit tiring because we planned to deliver the workshop in English but ended up giving it in Hausa because not all the participants could understand English as they would to Hausa. So we had to give some part of the workshop in English and translated in Hausa language which is the main lingua franca in Dass. The total number at the workshop was 25.
This weekend, Moses and I with Mary James one of the first set of trained facilitators in Bauchi diocese who is also doing her 3months industrial attachment with us at the Youth Formation Centre Bauchi, will be going to Inkil community, a suburb of Bauchi town to give a personal growth workshop. I will bring the update of this workshop to you in our next edition of this blog.
Also Leo will be mentoring Lucy Gbendeh and John Maria Baba the Abuja SELL team on a leadership workshop with the youths of new Lugbe district in Abuja. The entire SELL team wish the duo success as they give the workshop.
I am so pleased to announce to you that two facilitators of the SELL programme will be saying ‘I do’ soon. The first who is Ikennechukwu one of the Portharcourt team will be tying the knot to his heartthrob in Portharcourt on the 4th December 2010 and Jacob Paulus a Bauchi team member will be cleaving to Miss Laitu on the 30th December 2010 in Boi community of Bogoro Local Government Area of Bauchi state. We wish the two couples a happy wedlock.
Still to come is team building for the SELL Resource team. Our guide for the team building is Fr. Tommy Hayden sps. We look forward to having the team building done. It is aimed at making our team more efficient and to map out plans that will help us in doing our work.
Thanks for staying with us on the blog hope to bring to you more updates in our next edition.
For the SELL team