Here are some of the comments from the trainees, (all comments are related to the units that were explored at the training);
- Lucy said she is amused at the wealth of wisdom embedded in our cultures.
- The challenge of accepting diverse cultures and practices is what William says he will struggle with.
- I cannot change the inevitable except my attitude says Maccolins.
- Being aware of the changes in our culture from our ancestors to date, says Mado.
- Having respect for other peoples culture – Habila and Nancy.
- Awareness of the spiritualities of our great/ grand/parents. - Matthew
- Knowing more about our Identity and culture – Dorcas
- The challenge of owning my spirituality and do an evaluation of it says Clifford
- Choji said that we all have inherited our spirituality.
- The importance of speaking our dialects cannot be over emphasized – Emmanuel
- Where wisdom resides and how she is transmitted to us. –Ritmua
Stay with us on this page, see you again soon.
Maria Dagogot,
SELL Communication Desk officer