2012 was a turbulent year for our dear country Nigeria, it witnessed series of sectarian bombing and economic uncertainties, in spite all these, the SELL Foundation never gave up. We continued our work with the young adults who we believe holds the solution to the chaos and madness around. They also have the potential to plunge us into more darkness if their energy is not well managed and guided for good. We made it our target not to give in, to the instability and leave North-East Nigeria as many Civil Society Organizations are doing. In 2012, we engaged young adults across the region, with the SELL Programme. Reaching them with this Programme is to assist them to think and choose what is best for them and create a peaceful community. We believe this to be work in progress and things will get better if we keep sowing this seed of change.
We wish to give you a preview of how our 2012 went. The year 2012, saw us breaking new grounds and creating new opportunities to work with young adults across the North-East, Plateau, some southern states in Nigeria and Kumasi in Ghana. Towards the end of the year, we added two (2) new staff to the Team, for as they say, “the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few”. We are hoping and trusting the Lord of the harvest to grant us more resources to engage more hands to help us deliever on our mandate of having young people with compassionate hearts building peaceful community.
A total of 1,101 young adults were reached with the SELL programme in the year under review, 719 males against 382 females. The break-down according to the unit of the programme they got is as follows: Community Building (209), Justice (50), Leadership (656), Self-Awareness (74), Peace Building (74) & Wisdom of Traditions (84).
Year 2013 promises to be a busy one with almost every weekend having us engaging young adults across the North-East, Plateau, FCT, some Southern States of Nigeria and Kumasi-Ghana; this will be possible with the young adults that we have trained as facilitators and many we will yet train to help in achieving the mandate of building a peaceful community. As we move around listening and interacting with young people, giving them opportunities to share and make lasting choices, we covert your prayers for safety and open hearts, until we return with news of our activities. “Go tell your neighbor that help is on its way”, and for us, you are that help.
Written by;
Oni Gbenga Isaac,
Programme Coordinator, SELL Foundation.