On Saturday 31st October, 2015, the SELL Resource team welcomed two important personalities at their office. Before I tell you about them, I will like to say that it is not new on this page that SELL has the Saint Patrick’s Society (SPS) as one of their major Partners. It was in view of this that two members on their leadership team scheduled to visit the Foundation. Fr. John Marren is a man with many portfolios, we didn’t know all that because he only said ‘I am John Maren’ and that was it. It was when he left that Fr. Patrick Esekon; SPS representative to SELL Foundation told us that John Marren serves the Vicar General of SPS, he is also the assistant Central Leader of SPS as well as the Development officer of the Society. We were all amazed at his humility and friendliness. Fr. Kevin O’Hara the district Leader of SPS in West Africa also visited SELL together with John Marren. The two leaders visited SELL to see how the Foundation is faring. The Resource Team members and the SPS men had series of meetings during the period of their stay, it was all for the development of the Foundation. Some challenges were also expressed to the leaders, they encouraged the resource team members and by extension the volunteers of SELL not to relent in their efforts of service to the youth, they said any cause without a challenge is heading towards stagnation.
They were taken through the beautiful banners and overview of SELL by the Head of Programmes of the Foundation, Mary James.
We count this week a week of many blessings because you could only have a general overseer (borrowing the term from the Pentecostals) of a religious body once in a very long time. But with SELL we always count ourselves lucky; Last year 2014, after the election of the leadership that brought John Marren and his team to office, the overall leader Fr. Victor Dunne took as one of his first assignments visit to Nigeria; during that visit, SELL Foundation was one of the key places that was visited. When high profiled people come to SELL like this, it goes a long way to inform you that they have seen the quality of the programme SELL offers and the numerous potential that lies therein.
The year is gradually coming to an end, as it is with many organizations, at the SELL Foundation office, we are busy writing reports to our partners and wrapping up for the year.
Please feel free to give us feedback on how you experienced us this year; this will help us serve you better in the coming year.
The next blog will be on the major expansion SELL is experiencing at the moment, stay with us to hear more.
It is your regular person,
Maria Dagogot,
Communication Desk officer SELL>