Last weekend, two Resource team members, Leo and Hagar worked with thirty-one (31) young adults of the Fumbisi Community, where we shared and explored together the Leadership unit of the SELL Programme. Participants were taken through sessions such Pass the message, which helped them to come to understand how critical effective communication is to a leader, the Animal Pictures session helped participants to identify their own leadership styles, other learnings included the qualities of an effective leader, basic knowledge on sexuality and many more.
Participants in their evaluation stated that they have been enlightened on how they can be good leaders and were also glad that they could identify their own leadership styles as well. They also affirmed the way the programme gives the young adults the opportunity to learn from one another through their own shared experiences in life.
We shared a great time of learning together with the Fumbisi Community and we appreciate the young adults who came for the workshop.
The SELL Resource team is grateful to all of you who support our work in various ways to reach out to the many young adults who needs the support of the SELL Programme.
We keep you at the heart of our prayers and we will keep updating you on our work here in Ghana.
Kind regards from us all.