Last weekend, for the first time, two teams went out to have the programme with two different communities. Vincent and Tommy went to Zebilla Community, as Hagar and Leo went to the Garu Community. The units that were explored were the Self Awareness Unit and The Community Building Unit. A total of 51 young adults were reached. Participants from both communities in their evaluation and general comments showed their appreciation for the programme and applauded its inclusive and participatory nature and that they would be grateful for another opportunity to attend more of the SELL workshops.
We shared a great time of learning with both Communities and we appreciate all the young adult who made time to be a part of the workshop.
As the year draws to a close and we begin to evaluate our activities, we are glad to share with you that a total number of 1, 099 young adults have been reached and we hope to reach at least a community or two before the Resource Room closes for its break.
The SELL Resource team as always is grateful to all of you who support our work in various ways to reach out to the many young adults who needs the support of the SELL Programme.
We keep you at the heart of our prayers and we will keep updating you on our work here in Ghana.
Kind regards from us all.