The following reports are activities carried out by the Sharing Education and Learning for Life (SELL) Programme Ghana’s trainee and commissioned volunteers in April 2022.
Community Workshops
Trainee volunteer facilitators of the Sharing Education and Learning for Life (SELL) Programme Ghana have organized step-down workshops in Bu and Piina in the Nandom Municipality of the Upper West Region.
It focused on the Wisdom of Traditions unit of the Programme and happened, April 8-10.
Participants explored their traditions, their wisdom and the way they have been influenced by them.
They reflected deeply on where wisdom lived in the era of their ancestors.
In groups, participants brought out stories, drama, poems and proverbs derived from Dagara culture where they believed wisdom resided.
In the plenary, they shared their wisdom in it and broadened their learning from them. They also pondered on their heritage and faith journeys which helped them appreciate the importance of interfaith relationships and ecumenism.
Participants also pledged to preserve our common home; the earth.
The participants in the respective workshops were drawn from Nandom, Bu, Hamile, Ketuo, Piina, Fielmuo and Ko communities.
Sixty-one (61) youth participated in Bu, with fifty-two (52) in Piina.
“However little food we have, we’ll share it, even if it’s only one locust.” – Madagascar Proverb
The Commissioned Volunteers of the Maureen Southern cluster team in the Tamale Zone held an awareness-raising campaign as part of World Earth Day 2022 celebration.
The event took place at the St. Monica’s Junior High School in Nyankpala in the Northern Region, April 7.
It aimed to help the students explore the harm and threats caused to the environment, due to the actions and inactions of humans, and to encourage effective ways of restoring the earth which nourishes and supports us.
The volunteers took the students through practical processes which exposed the everyday activities of humans which constantly degrades the environment. The students were also taught ways they can reduce, reuse and recycle plastic material.
One hundred and eighty-six (186) students and teachers of the school received a customized earth day book.
The activity is part of the Programme’s advocacy campaign on care for the earth.