Sister Rita Schwarzenberger, is a woman despite her advanced age, still works for long period of hours like a young adult and has great experience in groups facilitation. For some years now, the SELL Foundation has invited Rita to facilitate her team building, strategizing and planning for the future of the SELL Programme. She has always honoured our invitation and has worked with us gracefully; her reason she says, is her love in supporting enthusiastic groups like ours.
We are grateful for the time we spent with her from Monday 12th – Wednesday 14th November 2012. We informed you in our last blog that the team building would be for the two teams currently working at the Youth Formation Centre, Bauchi i.e (Resource Team to all the SELL Area Teams) and the Youth Formation Centre team (who takes care of the SELL Programme in Bauchi and Gombe States, Nigeria). After a general bonding exercise with both teams, the two teams were separated and worked with one at a time at different periods.
Our time together was very interactive and busy with to-dos. On relationship with one another, she came up with a process that helped us to feel comfortable to be open and to share with one another about ourselves and how we relate and see other members of our team.
We reflected on a strategy for contacting and working with groups and partners. At the end of this reflection, we developed an approach that helped us to prioritise the way we will work with groups.
Planning into the future was a great part of our work too. One of the significant areas addressed was the mapping of a more vision and mission statement for the SELL Foundation. I feel pleased to share these statements with you;
Our VISION: “Young People with compassionate hearts building peaceful community”
Our MISSION: “As a team of equals, we at the SELL Foundation build families and communities of Justice, Freedom and Peace through shared experienced of young people as agents of change.
Our earnest prayer is to actualize the vision and mission of the Foundation with the young people we encounter.
One of the SELL Foundation’s Resource persons Tommy Hayden, who has always given us moral support and ideas for the programme, was together with us during the work particularly during the evaluation and planning period.
Our deepest thanks goes to Sister Rita for her support for us even in her busy schedule, our Foundation remain one of her priorities.
A member of the SELL Resource Team attended a training workshop on Project Cycle Management and Proposal Development. The training was under the auspices of Misean Cara, our funding partner in Ireland and was delivered by staff of the Kimmage Development Studies Centre also from Ireland.
We are also pleased to inform you that Jonathan our Team member, who took part in the training, said that it was a very insightful training on the requirements for putting together a good funding proposal to donor agencies. He said learning from the training will be very useful in the programming of SELL Foundation now and into the future. He will be sharing insights from the training with other members of the Team next week.
Members of the Kumasi SELL Team in Ghana also had a Team Building and Reflection on Saturday 10th November 2012 at Adukrom Area of Kumasi. According to John Evans the team leader of the Kumasi Team, he said their moment together was very refreshing as it helped them to reflect on team work and team spirit. The reflection was coordinated by Bernice and Eugene both members of the team, the duo, use the longest line exercise to help the team explore more about team relationship and support. At the course of the work, all those present saw the need to bring in their individual gifts to make it a collective strength, so as to better their cause.
The SELL Resource Team congratulate members of the Kumasi Team for taking this bold step of doing a teambuilding.
This coming weekend, 23rd- 25th November 2012, the SELL Resource would be to splitting into three teams to run the following programmes with three different groups of young adults:
- A team of Leo and Jonathan are going to deliver the Self Awareness Unit of the SELL Programme in the central area of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. The facilitators will work with a group of young Muslim men and women over the weekend, Umar of the Resource Team will go with the duo to Jos and that will be his first experience of the units of the SELL Programme. We wish Umar our colleague and the other young men and women a stupendous weekend as the experience the SELL Programme.
- Another team (Moses a member of the SELL Resource and Theophilus who was among the first set of trainees of the SELL Programme) will be running the SELL Programme with a group of young adults in Ungwan Boro area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Isaac of the Resource team will be with Moses and Theophilus to experience the programme and support them in the facilitation. The unit they shall share with young people there is the Community Building unit of the SELL Programme.
- Thirdly, Tommy, one of the Resource Persons of the SELL Foundation and I will also be in Kaduna to run the SELL Programme with a group of young people. We got an invitation to work with this group by an NGO in Kaduna called ‘Hope for the Village Child Foundation (HVCF)’. We are happy to do this work because it will be a way of saying thank you to sister Rita who facilitates our team building, she is the founder of HVCF and also because it is a group of young Muslims and Christians living together in the same community. We shall be delivering the Community Building Unit of the SELL Programme there.
Communication Desk, SELL Foundation